Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday Spotlight 4/4

Happy Monday! Gosh those weekends just fly by, don't they? Personally, I think 3 days weekends should be made mandatory. We just finished our spring break here, so technically our weekend was already extended. But it's back to the real world today - the kids are back to school (*sigh of relief*) and I am here to bring you a pretty sweet spotlight on one of my favorite kits - A Brand New Day by Christy Lyle. You can find this kit, along with more of Christy's gorgeousness over at 9th & Bloom.

And here's some pages I found while perusing through the gallery... {images are linked}

Well I hope you all have a great week and that the sun is shining (and it's not snowing) wherever you are!

1 comment:

Tanyia said...

The colors in this kit are amazing, and what beautiful layouts!